Familia Flores


Music + Sound Design + Production

My 94 year old father narrating his favourite book - from his own first copy he owned as a child. For his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, present and future, and anyone else who is interested!

Be it grandparents or children, we all change over time. Digital sound doesn't fade and can be enjoyed anywhere, even in the dark. Sometimes especially in the dark! It allows for a collaboration between narrator and audience to manifest a world in real time because it leaves space for audience imagination.

Unlike a photo or video that often tells you everything about a moment, audio invites you in to create alongside the author. The sound design elements are sketches for you to base your visuals on but they're just hints. Good art is collaborative, it invites the observer to engage with their own interpretation. Audio presented like this makes that easy and accessible to all - as it is naturally both precise and ambiguous. Crucially it preserves timing so the flow and momentum of a story need not be interrupted.

Imagine being able to tell your great great great (etc!) grandchildren a bedtime story and they get to hear not just your voice but have the space around the words come alive with your version of that story. In Dad's case he has always relished the line "...but round the end of the cucumber frame, whom should he meet but Mr McGregor...". You can then hear the ensuing chase all around your head as the story continues uninterrupted.

If you are young, maybe you want to tell your future child something as a peer - that they listen to when they are the same age you were when you recorded it.

Perhaps you want to record something for your future self, to be heard years later when you have reached a different stage of life.

Or simply you want to record a gift for your parent or grandparent so you can read them a bedtime story too, storytelling doesn't just have to be one way!


This is a blueprint for a series.

Help your community grow its understanding of the characters and histories contained within. Share with whoever you want. Personal and universal.

If you would like to record a loved one and have the environment come alive as they read it then please get in contact and let's see if we can preserve some magic.